Book prologue draft one

Hey everyone out there; this is my first post on this blog and I have to say, I'm really nervous. I started this page because I wanted a place where I could write short stories without any pressure to be an amazing author. I love fantasy and myths and so I also wanted a place where I could share some of my favorite discoveries about fantastical creatures and maybe get some input on what I could write about in my stories. The story below is about a girl who is unknowingly rescued from being sacrificed to a dark god known as Golgoloth. He is a god worshiped by a people known as the tribe of Gaulith, who live on a remote planet, similar to that of Earth's moon. These people have the power to open up portals and access the darkest parts of the universe in order to summon their gods, and in turn, have those gods summon forth some of the darkest creatures to do their bidding. In the story the girl is being given as an offering to summon Golgoloth and gain his blessing an...